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Kevin J Clancy - Pioneer Marketing Scientist
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  • Also in the mid nineties Kevin Clancy and Copernicus partner Henry Gamse invented a methodology called “Copernican Cartography” which permits marketers to display five to seven dimensions of brand perceptions in a two dimensional space.  This approach has enabled many marketers to understand the “structure” of their market and how they compete for mindshare with competitors.
  • Kevin and Henry also created at this time an approach to doing faux individual level leverage analysis.  They recognized that although individual level analysis is a more correct methodology than aggregate level analysis in many marketing applications, time and budget constraints often limit a marketer’s ability to undertake this analysis. Their approach is to undertake aggregate level correlations for small market targets and then assign these correlations to all people in the segment.  The net effect is to end up with data which represents a hybrid of individual and aggregate level analysis.
  • Also circa the mid-nineties Clancy and Dr. Steve Tipps developed and presented at professional conferences a seven-factor empirical model for measuring, managing, and monitoring brand equity.  This model was the cornerstone of a series of American Marketing Association tutorials given by Kevin and his Copernicus partner Dr. Jim Kieff on the topic of brand equity and was the subject of the first AMA Webinar in 2003.  It has been used not just to evaluate the power of brands but to help evaluate brands and companies for purposes of acquisition.
  • In the late nineties Kevin J Clancy and Professor David Lloyd completed a fifteen year investigation to study whether television program involvement is positively or negatively related to advertising effectiveness. At the time there were arguments and data to support both perspectives.  This work was published in their book Uncover The Hidden Power of Television Programming: And Get the Most From Your Advertising Budget (with David Lloyd), Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications (1999) and in a number of academic papers presented at professional conferences. What was discovered is convincing evidence of a positive relationship, a discovery which has impacted the way that media agencies plan media and paved the way for the recent interest in the topic of media engagement.
  • Throughout the nineties, while management consultants were raving about the joys of 100% customer satisfaction and retention, Clancy presented work at professional conferences, which demonstrated for the first time the non-linear relationship between customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and marketing profitability.  Data shows that as satisfaction and retention increase, so does profitability up to a point.  But with ever increasing levels of satisfaction and retention, the cost of keeping customers happy and retaining them causes profitability to decline.  This finding, now considered axiomatic in our profession, was first published in Clancy & Shulman’s The Marketing Revolution: A Radical Manifesto for Dominating the Marketplace (with Robert S. Shulman), New York: Harper Business  -  A Division of Harper Collins Publishing (1991). 

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Kevin Clancy - Marketing Consultant