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Your Gut Is Still Not Smarter Than Your Head: How Disciplined, Fact-Based Marketing Can Drive Extraordinary Growth and Profits
(Wiley, 2007)
We first had the idea for Your Gut Is Still Not Smarter Than Your Head after reading two Fast Company articles a few years ago.
One proclaimed "Acting on Intuition" as the number one trend that "will change the way we work and live in 2005." It went on to predict Malcolm Gladwell's new book Blink and its exploration of the "power" of intuitive decision making would sweep corporate America.
All of a sudden, everyone seemed to be waxing poetic about the virtues of making decisions based purely on their intuition and gut instinct. We just couldn’t understand why intuition reigned supreme when study after study came back showing negative ROI results.
Your Gut Is Still Not Smarter Than Your Head, a 800CEORead’s Bestseller, takes readers through real-world cases and anecdotes to illustrate a different, research-and-reality-driven process for making critical strategic choices about a market target, positioning, product/service offering, media, and advertising.
It also tackles the burning issues of winning over the sales force, marketing performance reviews, and intelligent marketing planning, in each case demonstrating what to do to eliminate any drag on performance. Throughout the book, we make it clear that marketing programs that return 20% or more on investment come from carefully balancing the emotional gut with the grounded head.