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Finalist for Berry-AMA Book Prize for top marketing book!
Counterintuitive Marketing: Achieve Great Results Using Uncommon Sense
(The Free Press, 2000)
We worked on this book during the height of the dot-com frenzy when everyone was gunning for “eyeballs”, making decisions on the fly, and accepting it as a given that you can build a great brand in 90 days or less.
We just couldn’t take it anymore after we heard one to many folks quote analyst Henry Blodget 1999 statement: "Unlike with other famous bubbles…the Internet bubble is riding on rock-solid fundamentals, perhaps stronger than any the market has seen before. Underlying the crazy price increases are the foundations of what could become the early 21st century's leading growth companies…Just because the Internet stock phenomenon looks like a bubble, it isn't a given that the bubble will burst."
It was just so ridiculous.
Selected by the AMA as one of the top five marketing books in the past three years, Counterintuitive Marketing contrasts how marketing decisions are made today with how they should be made. All too often, excess testosterone compels senior managers to make decisions intuitively, instinctively, quickly, and, unfortunately, disastrously. Such was the case with most of the dot-coms and was the primary reason we believed (rightly as it turned out) Blodget’s prognostication was totally off base.
Giving equal treatment to targeting, positioning, product development, pricing, customer service, e-commerce, marketing planning, implementation, and more, the book offers counterintuitive ideas for building and introducing blockbuster marketing programs.